Ali's Blog - Outside of the Circle


Ali's latest articles onย designing life, work, or business on your own terms, creating change successfully, and unleashing your true potential.ย 

The Act As If Strategy

“Fake it until you make it” is terrible advice.

Here’s why:

You are creating a mindset that you are pretending. And when you repeatedly pretend to do something, it isn’t...

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Get Out of Your Own Way

When we set out to achieve what matters most to us in our lives, work, and businesses, we often start with creating plans of what we need to do to get from where we are to where we want to be.


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How to Navigate the Human Side of Change Successfully

When people want to change something in their life, work, or business, they usually dive straight into things like setting goals, creating plans, and identifying how to manage all the tasks that...

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15 Factors That Contribute to Creating Change Successfully

The path to creating change in your life, work, or business can sometimes feel like a mountain to climb.

There can be many obstacles, setbacks, mistakes, and uncertainty along the way that can slow...

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How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Create Change Successfully

It feels so frustrating when there is a change you want to create and you know you are getting in your own way of the results you want to achieve but don’t really know the best way to deal...

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Sometimes...(the ups and downs of life and work)
Some thoughts on the ups and downs of life and work:  
Sometimes your life feels amazing.
Sometimes it feels like it sucks.
Sometimes you feel you can achieve anything.
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3 Mindset Habits That Will Sabotage Your Progress and Results

Your mindset habits have a major impact on your progress and results. That is because your thought patterns drive your behaviour and emotions, which both have a significant impact on how you...

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