Ali's Blog - Outside of the Circle


Ali's latest articles on designing life, work, or business on your own terms, creating change successfully, and unleashing your true potential. 

21 Things That Can Help You Change Your Life

I first started to seriously think about how to change my life to live, work, and do business on my own terms in a way that felt fulfilling and meaningful to me over 20 years ago. 

At that...

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A different way to approach making progress to achieve the results you want

There is a problem with the way we often focus on progress. And it is this:

We often expect ourselves to deliver progress at the same pace and level, every day, week, and month throughout the year....

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Clear Out to Step Up

Every year I assign one week at different times throughout the year to have no meetings or appointments and create a clear schedule.

It creates more time, focus, and energy to dive into things that...

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10 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Change in Your Life

When you want to create change in your life, work, or business, it is important to be aware of common mistakes that many people make. 

That knowledge and awareness can help you proactively...

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How to Navigate Life's Storms Successfully

We all experience storms of some kind in our lives, work, or business at some stage. 

They can feel overwhelming and difficult to deal with. 

For times when you are dealing with a storm...

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Redefine Success on Your Own Terms

I used to have a “successful” corporate career (based on the conventional definition of success). 

And yet, it didn’t feel fulfilling or meaningful to me. As a result, I...

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5 Steps to Clear Your Path in Life, Work, or Business

If you would like to feel less busy, less overwhelmed, and have more time and energy for the things that matter most to you in your life, work, or business, it is time to clear your path of the...

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Taking Imperfect Action to Navigate Setbacks

If there is one thing I have learned over the last 20 years of creating change to design each new chapter in my life, work, or business, it is that the path is never linear.

Setbacks happen, often...

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Back to Basics: 5 Steps to Get Started

At regular intervals throughout the year, I take myself through a Back to Basics process. My definition of what going back to basics means is this:  

Being laser focused on the specific...

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The Five C’s of Creating Change Successfully

Creating change successfully can feel hard, uncomfortable, and like a mountain to climb. That can leave you feeling stuck and overwhelmed.    

At times like that, it is useful to focus on...

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How to Thrive: 5 Steps to Get Started

Rarely, if ever, are we taught or encouraged to define what thriving means to us in our lives, work, or businesses.

As a result, we often end up in situations when we do not feel we are thriving....

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Turning Fear Into Action, Progress, and Results

Feelings of fear are common when you want to create change, design a new chapter of life, or set a new goal for yourself.

Often, our instinct is to retreat from fear as a form of self protection....

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