Ali's Blog - Outside of the Circle


Ali's latest articles onย designing life, work, or business on your own terms, creating change successfully, and unleashing your true potential.ย 

Design Your Next Chapter

As dawn broke on 1st January 2000, I was sat on top of a mountain watching the sunrise on a new millennium. In that moment, I decided I wanted to create significant change in my life and work. It...

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How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Create Change Successfully

It feels so frustrating when there is a change you want to create and you know you are getting in your own way of the results you want to achieve but don’t really know the best way to deal...

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Sometimes...(the ups and downs of life and work)
Some thoughts on the ups and downs of life and work:  
Sometimes your life feels amazing.
Sometimes it feels like it sucks.
Sometimes you feel you can achieve anything.
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The Key to Solving Your Struggles

We all experience struggles at times in our life and work, for all sorts of reasons. Some happen due to external sources outside of our control. Some are self-created.

Solving those things can feel...

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Sometimes the Best Way Forward is to Take a Step Back

We live in an always on world. We are conditioned to always be on the go, doing something, schedules packed, both personally and professionally. It has become the accepted status quo. That is...

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Stop tolerating what holds you back

There are things in our life and work that hold us back.

There are things in our life and work that will stop us from achieving what matters most.

There are things in our life or work that we wish...

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How to Improve Your Chances of Creating Change Successfully

Deciding to create change in your life or work rarely comes with an absolute guarantee of success. So it helps to have a strategy to set yourself up to succeed.

If there is a change you want to...

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The Importance of Going Back to Basics

Life and work can often feel over complex and over busy. This can have a negative impact on achieving what matters most to you and leave you feeling overwhelmed. 

That is because complexity,...

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10 Ways to be Less Busy

If you would like to feel less busy in your life and work but don't know where to start, you are not alone. We live in a society where busy seems to have become the default mode in life and...

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How to Stop Getting in Your Own Way

If you want to increase your chances of achieving what matters most to you in your life or work, it is important to make sure you are not getting in your own way of the progress and results you...

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Improve Your Energy. Transform Your Results.

Often when we set out to achieve what matters most to us in our life and work, we focus predominantly on plans, goals, actions, and what we need to do.

Rarely do we stop to consider our mental and...

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A Simple Way to Get Unstuck and Move Forward

There is a common habit that people who feel stuck often have that is keeping them stuck.

It is this.

They continually talk in statements about their problem, situation, or challenge.   

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