Ali's Blog - Outside of the Circle


Ali's latest articles on designing life, work, or business on your own terms, creating change successfully, and unleashing your true potential. 

7 Steps to Get Started With a Big Change You Want to Create

When you want to create a big change of some kind, it can feel daunting, overwhelming, and like a mountain to climb.

But, if you change the way you see the mountain, it becomes easier to scale it.

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21 Things That Can Help You Change Your Life

I first started to seriously think about how to change my life to live, work, and do business on my own terms in a way that felt fulfilling and meaningful to me over 20 years ago. 

At that...

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10 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Change in Your Life

When you want to create change in your life, work, or business, it is important to be aware of common mistakes that many people make. 

That knowledge and awareness can help you proactively...

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Redefine Success on Your Own Terms

I used to have a “successful” corporate career (based on the conventional definition of success). 

And yet, it didn’t feel fulfilling or meaningful to me. As a result, I...

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The Five C’s of Creating Change Successfully

Creating change successfully can feel hard, uncomfortable, and like a mountain to climb. That can leave you feeling stuck and overwhelmed.    

At times like that, it is useful to focus on...

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Turning Fear Into Action, Progress, and Results

Feelings of fear are common when you want to create change, design a new chapter of life, or set a new goal for yourself.

Often, our instinct is to retreat from fear as a form of self protection....

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Exploring possibilities when creating change or designing your next chapter

Twelve years ago today, my family and I started to explore the possibility of moving to Canada to live. Almost two years later, we moved to Canada after seven fabulous years in Ireland. 

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An Overlooked But Essential Factor to Create Change Successfully

There are many factors that contribute to creating change to achieve specific outcomes successfully.  

But in this article, I want to focus on an important factor that is often...

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Feeling Stuck in a Rut? 7 Ways to Start Getting Unstuck

If you feel stuck in a rut in your life, work, or business, you are not alone. Midlife and beyond is a particularly common time for people to feel stuck in a rut, for many reasons.

When you feel...

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Get Out of Your Own Way

When we set out to achieve what matters most to us in our lives, work, and businesses, we often start with creating plans of what we need to do to get from where we are to where we want to be.


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Get Started With Creating The Changes That Matter Most to You

When it comes to creating change successfully to achieve what matters most to you, you don't have to have it all figured out before you start.

But so many people hold themselves back from getting...

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3 Overlooked Obstacles That Hold Back Creating Change Successfully

When you want to change something to achieve a specific outcome in your life, work, or business, it is important to be aware of obstacles that could hold back your progress and results....

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